
Crabmeat Cheesecake

  • Author: Lauren LeBlanc Haydel, Founder & Owner, Fleurty Girl
  • Prep Time: 30
  • Cook Time: 30-40
  • Total Time: 57 minute


The coast is home and where I grew up. My grandfather would take us out on his boat, and being on the water was the happiest place. We are so lucky to have it!



I got the recipe from my hairdresser. She told me about it, and I went home and made it and have made it every year since! I love cooking it because even though it’s a bit of a time investment, the final product is worth it. It’s so different from anything else on the holiday spread. It’s a standalone winner. This recipe will become a family favorite at your holiday table. It’s a favorite at our Fleurty Girl company Christmas party!

I do recommend splitting it into two pans, as it is very rich and you could easily bring it to two gatherings and make it go further!



  • Author: Lauren LeBlanc Haydel, Founder & Owner, Fleurty Girl
  • Prep Time: 30
  • Cook Time: 30-40
  • Total Time: 57 minute
  • Ingredients

    • A sleeve of Ritz crackers, or similar brand, plus more for serving
    • 1/2 stick (4 Tbsp.) butter, melted
    • 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan or Romano cheese
    • 2 slices of bacon
    • 1 yellow onion, diced
    • 1 cup green onions, sliced
    • 3 packs of 8 oz. cream cheese, room temp (full fat)
    • 3 eggs
    • 1 cup whipping cream
    • 16 oz. crabmeat (just buy a tub of Louisiana crabmeat from your grocery store or seafood market)
    • 2 cup Swiss cheese, shredded


    1. Crush one sleeve of crackers. Stir melted butter and Parmesan (or Romano) cheese into crushed crackers. Press mix into pie dish or spring pan to make crust.
    2. Drain crabmeat and put on the side. 
    3. Cook bacon, reserving the grease. In leftover bacon grease, cook diced yellow onion until translucent. 
    4. Mix bacon, yellow onion, green onions, cream cheese, eggs, whipping cream, and Swiss cheese together in a stand mixer or with an electric whisk.
    5. After everything’s mixed fold in drained crab meat.
    6. Pour mixture over crust and bake on 375 until solid and light golden brown. About 30 -40 minutes (will still be jiggly).
    7. Let cool, then place in the fridge overnight.
    8. Serve with crackers and enjoy!